
Contact Us

Shoshanna Goldberg
Director of Development and Communications

Shari Levitz
Director of Development Operations & Communications

Sari Korman
Executive Director of Major Gifts


JCDS תמיכה ב

Dear Friends,

Shalom! Thank you for your interest in learning more about philanthropy to JCDS.

There are so many ways your gift makes a difference. Your contributions of time, energy, passion, and financial kindness ensure that the school is vibrant now and for years to come. JCDS students of today will become graduates of tomorrow with the capacity and confidence to question, listen, understand, and change the world. As supporters, you play a vital role in continuing to advance the school m'chayil el chayil (from strength to strength).

We ask for your help in sustaining the strong tradition of giving to JCDS. There are many ways to support the school, including the Annual Fund, Endowment Giving, and Legacy Giving. Getting involved with events as a volunteer is also an important and much-needed contribution to our school and community.

On behalf of everyone at JCDS, we are grateful to parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, faculty, and many community benefactors for their investment. The school continues to grow and thrive thanks to this spirit of dedication.

We invite you to contact the development office about deepening your involvement in JCDS and ways to give. To learn more, please email or call 617-972-1733.