
Contact Us

Shoshanna Goldberg
Director of Development and Communications

Shari Levitz
Director of Development Operations & Communications

Sari Korman
Executive Director of Major Gifts


קרנות ותרומות

READ: Fall Appeal 2022 Letter from Sari Korman Director of Development and Communications

Every year, parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff, and community friends come together to help JCDS, by donating their time, energy, ruach (excitement), creativity, and by making financial contributions. Click to here to make your gift - and thank you!

As with most independent schools, JCDS receives no government funding and relies on private philanthropy to supplement annual operating expenses. Tuition alone does not cover the full cost of educating a child. The Annual Fund is a critically important financial resource, providing nearly 15% of the yearly operating budget.

JCDS asks all members of its community to participate in the Annual Fund and support the school every year with a tax-deductible contribution.

Special thanks to current parents! JCDS is proud of its tradition of generous parent giving to the Annual Fund via the Parent Campaign. Participation reaches nearly 100% each year.

Making a meaningful gift of any size from $36 to $360 to $36,000 or more shows that you value the JCDS experience.

Friends are encouraged to renew and increase their commitment on an annual basis.

Please note that our Annual Fund year runs from July 1 to June 30.